Things are actually going well when I first gave Cris flowers (last January 28, 2003)... our relationship grew and became stronger each day.... However, it is not as easy as it seems... Cris never had any serious relationships (undefined relationships are not counted ;p) before... She just had too many concerns.... But what makes it more difficult are the people around her... In fact, some of those I used to care for and trust... unbelievable right? I can't believe it myself either... Now that I think of it, I wasted so much effort in protecting and training these people, and all that they'll do to me is make my life like hell by telling stuff about me that is mostly not even true and so way below the belt that they should be really be ashamed of themselves for being so cruel and heartless.... Words to describe them..... orocan.... tupperware.... plastic... hipocrites.... Anyway, before I get carried away and start mentioning names.... (Yes, I know who you guys are.... sad to say... but don't worry... I know how to forgive and besides, I believe in Karma) back to the story...
I can probably imagine the difficulty that Cris had during that time.... really can't blame her `coz if I was in the same situation and heard the things that were said about me, I would probably hate myself too.... yep, that bad....
So, what did I plan for the first Valentine's day I knew Cris.... well, for starters, I did plan to send her flowers.... I also planned to take her out to a Boyz to Men concert at the Fort... I got the tickets days before after I've learned that she loves Boyz to Men....
The night before Valentine's Day.... I had to work really late at the office. I was doing some coordination with counterparts in Finland. Cris and I were talking that night... I was asking her to go out with me and see the concert... Sad to say that she was still mad at me for surprising her with the Boyz to men ticket that I got her... She told me that she will not go with me at the concert and told me to just sell the tickets (in fact, she was looking for people to buy them)... Though, I was really hoping that she'll reconsider ...
A few days back she also promised me that we'll have lunch instead... but I just don't want to give up and so I kept on asking her... I guess she just got fed up... hehehe.... ;p (ey... you can't blame a guy for being persistent... )
I went home 2 A.M. from work ... It's already Valentine's day ... Cris is still pissed at me... what the heck should I do... I kept on thinking how I can redeem myself and make it up to Cris... I remember sleeping probably around 4 or 5 A.M. and I only had a few hours to get some sleep before I go to work...

I woke up around 9 AM, and then took a hot shower... I'm not yet sure what to do but I guess I have something in mind already... I was thinking of bringing her flowers, in addition to the one I ordered a few days back. Maybe she'll think that I'm sweet and forgive me for my shortcomings. I arrived at Glorietta 4, just in time when it opened. I walked around and saw this nice cute doggie stuff toy... I immediately remembered that Cris loves dogs.... Wow... the perfect surprise for her... I thought to myself... After getting that doggie stuff toy, I went to the flower shop and got her bouquet.
Finally contented, I proceeded to her building and went up. I'm not quite sure what to say and what to expect. For sure, there will be a lot of people that I know there that seems to be very much interested in our lives for some bizarre reason...
I went to the guard and asked him to keep the stuffed doggie under the receptionist table and just give it to Cris later in the afternoon. I proceeded to my old office and saw Cris and some of my ex-officemates. I handed her the flowers hoping to melt her heart a bit ... but instead, she
placed the flowers on top of her desk and went out of the room with this other girl ... Still the cold shoulders.... I was so devastated and told my ex-officemates that I should go back to work... I wasn't quite sure where Cris went... I just went down and stopped near the lobby of the building... I thought of calling Cris again on her mobile just to say goodbye...
I was a bit surprised when I saw Cris coming out from BPI and walking towards me. She asked me what I was doing and told me to join her. We went back to BPI and she introduced me to this girl she was with. When we got out, Cris and I went together and she finally agreed to have lunch with me.... I was so relieved and felt a bit happy...

We had lunch at Pancake house at Greenbelt 1... our first Valentine's date... we talked and talked and talked as if nothing really happened...
Actually, we lost track of time and went back around 2:30 PM ,considering the traffic that day). I took her back at her office and went back to work.
The concert date did not go as planned but I was really happy and satisfied that day... (Also, the tickets did not really go to waste since I was still able to use it with my friend... ) After the concert, I called Cris and found out that she's on her way home too... She was thanking me for the things that I did and also for another stuffed puppy and chocolates that I sent her at her home... (ey... I got carried away ... I wanted to really surprise Cris...) ... We spent the night talking again as we did the past weeks....